Deborah Kravitz



photojournalist, nature lover, compassionate artist: this is Deborah Kravitz. She has the innate ability to connect with and bring forth clients' buried information, histories and experiences that otherwise might be lost for all time.

"This is an opportunity to stop, take in the natural beauty of our world through my eyes and experience the "aha" moment... which is free.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me."                             Deborah Kravitz

“Ms. Kravitz has demonstrated incredible professionalism with an artistic eye that captures not only the moment of the shot, but the entire essence of what one is trying to illustrate.”

Hollywood scriptwriter Vincent DiPierro,

CEO-President Assorted Dream, Inc.

"Others have experienced an “enlightened” state when viewing her photos and it’s remarkable to witness. "

Bobbette Adler-Levy, MAS MSW

